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Friday, February 1, 2008

Tea Time

Friday, February 1, 2008
Would you like to have a casual tea party with a formal look
and very little effort? Read our tips on how to have a great
effortless tea party, and the only thing you will have to do is
boil water!

Number 1: As we say with every single event, "the party starts
when the invitations are sent". Therefore, take the time to send
great invitations. It will get your guests excited about the tea
party and provide them with instructions (if there are any) such
as bringing a tea hat, or their favorite mug, etc. Try these
invitations from Plum Party as a special touch.

Number 2: The best way to get the atmosphere of an afternoon tea
is to serve tea in fancy tea pots. However, busy people don't
have time to clean up. Instead, use these paper
china-like plates and disposable tea cups. You get the look with
the clean-up work. Even better, these dishes won't break!

An afternoon tea bridal shower isn't complete without, of
course, the tea. But don't feel constrained to only this
beverage. You can serve iced tea, coffee,
or punch as well, but keep in the spirit by serving all of the
drinks in tea cups

What kind of tea should you serve? Any kind you'd like. In
fact, have multiple varieties available to accommodate different

Number 3: Pick up a couple of pastries from your local bakery
(such as scones, sweet breads, or cookies) and cut into finger
sized portions and serve on a service platter. You can also use
tea pots as vases and fill them with fresh flowers. These would
make wonderful centerpieces, sitting on a handkerchief or
embroidered cloth.

Number 4: Decorations for a tea party can be quite minimal.
Place all of the items (plates, teacups, tea bags, and pastries,
cocktail napkins) on a serving tray. In the middle of the tray
place the tea pot filled with hot water.

Number 5: Greet your friends and have fun.

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