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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

DIY Halloween Costume Ideas

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

In case you, too are still looking for your costume this year, and you aren’t looking for something as over the top as I am, we have put together a few cute DIY, last minute ideas. Check them out. Share your costume know-how with others ideas, tell spooky Halloween tales, or just leave us some feedback!

Bag of jellybeans:
You need a clear plastic trash bag, a bag of balloons, duct tape (my favorite), markers or paint, and some poster board. Cut yourself arm holes and a head hole in the trash bag. Put the bag on and duct tape the bottom shut so that it is tight enough around your legs to keep the balloons in. Blow up the balloons and stuff through the head hole into the bag (don’t blow them up very large). Use the poster board to create a label for your bag then tape in place. *Note: this can turn out to be a costume unfriendly to bathroom breaks, so tape with caution!

80’s hipster:
This one can be really fun depending on how wild your wardrobe is (or on how long you hold onto your clothes). Pick out pieces of clothing with lots of color and/or bright
patterns. Light colored denim works well. Leggings or
some sort of spandex are helpful for girls. Fingerless gloves, anything with
holes, big hats, jewelry, accessories, hair, etc are all great additions. If you
need inspiration, go to and type “80’s fashion” in the
search box. Laugh for a minute, then raid your closet for similar pieces.
Dancer from the Ipod commercial:
This costume is inspired by the first Ipod ads. All you need to do is dress in black, head to toe, and paint your face and any exposed skin black. Then carry around your ipod – the white one only – and bust out some crazy dance moves. For an added bonus, find someone willing to dress up as the neon backdrop, wearing a bright poster board.

Human Sudoku:

Its as simple as it sounds: make yourself into a giant sudoku game. Buy some poster board, grab your sharpie and go to town. You can find games to copy at Punch two holes and make the board into a giant necklace with some ribbon, or make yourself a 2 sided board and dangle one on your back too. Don’t forget to take the marker with you to the party so people can fill you in!

Do you have any other ideas?
If so, post a comment

Friday, September 26, 2008

Re-launch is Right Around the Corner!

Friday, September 26, 2008
I know it has been a while since most of you have heard from us at All About Presentation, but fear not - we did not lose your email addresses or jump into hiding following the craziness that was wedding season. We simply have been extra busy reorganizing and redesigning to bring you the best possible service and content this side of the Mississippi.
So without further ado, its time again to strap on those party hats and get ready for all new editions of "PRESENTATION!", our hip newsletter with exciting monthly articles, contests, and recipes to keep you in a festive mood, no matter the season.In conjunction with the newsletter, we are getting ready to launch a revamped website at, which will showcase what we have been working on this past year. We are also starting up a shiny new blog to get your feedback on newsletter topics and to answer your general planning questions.I personally have to say, I am excited. And most importantly, I want you to be excited too. It is the best time of the year with the holidays right around the corner and we have some great things planned to help you get the most out of the season.
It's all coming to you starting this October!
One last thing to mention: All newsletter subscribers are entered to win a 50$ gas card just for being our friends and to celebrate the re-launch, so good luck!
All The Best,
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